Suffering Is A Part of Life & Maybe We Are Not Being Punished: On The Physical Nature of Suffering
The way our culture is set up, the way that psychotherapy typically goes, and the way that current social norms are, we are encouraged to proclaim ourselves as the victim. We do this as we recount our childhood trauma for the 20th year. We do this in our...
Addressing Grief By Returning Home: The Power of Tending to Our Microsystems
It makes sense to call out how "toxic" systems and spaces affect us. It can be an act of power. I do it all the time. And, at the same time, blaming the world for not being able to inhabit our truest, most peaceful selves can also induce powerlessness. It can be an...
Reducing Harm in Our Spaces: Positive Disruption As An Antidote to Negative Disorientation
In my earliest liberation-studying days when I used to make up frameworks of transformational programming in my free time, I saw a recurring pattern among the experiences I had had that had changed me forever. How many times can I say had in one sentence? Every...
Is Our Grief Just A Request for Comfort & Rituals Are Reminding Us Of Who We Are
We are mystified. We feel deeply and intensely. We are in awe of the unknown. We are sensitive. We question. We disagree. We disrupt. We tell the truth. We challenge. We are in disbelief. We rebel. We tell the truth. We do not conform. For those of us who have...
Rampant Ableism & Neurotypicalism Convince Us We Are “Anxious”, But We Are Actually Unsafe
While I was quite unwell, I desired to attend a movement workshop at a major dance institution in New York City. I truly wanted the experience of connecting with people I felt aligned with. I listed my needs in an e-mail to the program administrators and they returned...
The Toxicity of Ableism & The Violence of Independence: It’s Okay to Need Support
Western psychotherapy and personal development is focused on instilling independence rather than intuitively working with what a person needs in the moment. From my research on the needs of neurodivergent, gifted, chronically stressed, chronically ill, and disabled...
Grief Is Normal When You Are Transitioning Into Alignment (Well, Grief is Always Normal)
Suffering is caused by many things. Suffering can occur naturally due to loss, change, transition, and the lack of having one’s needs met. Suffering can be the result of our finely tuned connection to the ebbs and flows of the universe, stars, galaxies, moon - and, of...
Redesigning Our Spaces: Seeing “Default Toxicity” As A Critical Element For Creating Spaces of Raw Expression
Here are a few elements of spaces important for creating spaces of emotional safety. Many of them have to do with being adept at seeing the "default toxicity" of our spaces. This toxicity is present everywhere. It is ubiquitous (i.e., everywhere) by the nature of...
Shame Gives Us Tools & Shows Us What Was Invisible & Toxic In Our Early Spaces
Noticing our shame is painful. It becomes a tremendous opportunity when we can use it to create what we need. In the recent years, I took several deep dives (deep dives don’t even begin to describe it actually, more like deep flailing) into various socially...
The Origins of Our Powerlessness: We Take on The Power & Powerlessness of Our Spaces
In the current age of deconstructing, decolonizing, deideologizing, it’s come to be a mainstream phenomena to point out the “problematic” nature of systems of oppression and how those systems are at play around us and within us. For many of us, this era comes after...
Common Features of Group Settings That Stifle Raw Expression: What I Mean by “Default Toxicity”
Oh, my! Here's another bulleted list. Here are some common features of spaces that stifle raw expression - i.e., create a lack of safety. In other words, these are a select list of things that are a part of the "default toxicity" of our spaces. By "default toxicity" I...
Shame in Dance Class Is Encouraged: Addressing the Default Toxicity of the Dance Class aka Centering Loving Practice in Dance + Arts Education
Fast forward. The summary is that most dance training is quite toxic - and it is so by default. Let's dive in! The core of artistic/dance training is actually not the technical learning, but the interpersonal learning and lessons about self and identity. Most dancers...
Our Grief Is Not Our Fault: Neurotypicalism & Homophobia Are Part Of The “Default Toxicity” in Spaces & We Are Unraveling It
Neurotypicalism affects all people in all spaces. Neurotypical people suffer and are quirky af but they can actually hide it -- and do so very well. Homophobia, too, affects all people in all spaces. Straight people want to connect with others but cannot fully connect...
“Depression” & Grief As A Natural Response to Forced Conformity: On The Importance of Unclogging
Depression is quite normal in a society where we are conditioned to consistently hold back parts of ourselves. Actually, it is to be expected. Racism, neurotypicalism, ableism, and all systems of conditioning and disconnection force us to hold back parts of ourselves...
Why We Feel Disconnected & Not Seen & How To Emerge: Deep Connection Is Only Possible When We Are Made Visible
For those of us who are committed to accessing and really feeling and sensing our deep connection to all that is, we’ve learned a lot recently about what it means to really not feel that sense of deep connection - and what it means to really feel that deep connection....
It’s Okay to Feel Isolated & Uncomfortable: Being “Clogged Up” & The Power of Collective (Movement) Practice
Let's talk about what it means to be loving and loved: There are levels to love and it is expressed in the body. When what we call love is present, there is openness to truth. There is openness to receive. There is fluidity. There is a reason why folks we call loving...
What’s Really Causing Our Dissociation: The Western Obsession With Beliefs vs. (Collective) Movement Practice
Beliefs are naturally dissociating. There is nothing necessarily wrong with beliefs. And there is nothing necessarily wrong with dissociation. Dissociation can occur with a sense of safety and with a sense of threat. For example, we can be dissociated and terrified -...
Toxic Spaces Discourage Rebellion: Rebellion Practice As An Antidote to The “Default Toxicity” of Spaces
Many of us are finding that, to truly deeply connect to ourselves, we must choose to rebel. And you are probably very attuned to this. For example, one practice of rebellion for many of us is in boundary-setting. Practicing setting boundaries - loose, firm,...
On The Violence of Liberatory & “Transformational” Programming: Nondoing & Nonchange As A Historied Approach to Liberatory Programming
I’d like to propose, and repeat what many have said before me: the idea that when we construct liberatory, liberating, or transformational programming that intends to change the individual, liberate the individual, transform groups, transform society, we are...
Suffering As A Path Forward
In this conversation, I (dun dun dunnnnn) talk a lot about suffering and trauma. What else is new?! I talk a bit about how I currently view "trauma" and how trauma and learning from these experiences of suffering allows us to deeply connect to who we have always been....
Critical Questions That Can Guide Us As We Co-Create Spaces of Deep Connection
Most of my writing thus far and what I'll post soon focuses on my broader worldviews/paradigms that lie beneath my approach to creating spaces of deep connection. But this conversation gets a bit more specific (dare I say grounded) about what I mean when I say...
We Crave Deep Connection Because We Crave Who We Are
In the past year, I've learned about myself. I mean, who hasn't? We've had so much time to very inconveniently (yet opportunely) cull over our deepest darkest secrets, pains, and the depths of our personalities. One of the things I've learned is that I constantly...
Our Anxiety Is Not Disordered: May We Use It To Create The Spaces We Seek
In this day and age, anxiety is all the rage. By that I mean, every other person in our generation either says they have anxiety or has anxiety and is so dissociated they won't admit it. I'm kidding. I don't think everyone has anxiety, but I don't hang out with those...
We Suffer And There Is Nothing Wrong With Us: On The Dual Nature of Suffering
I am sitting here in deep reflection, sadness, love, and gratitude - processing how much intense suffering is going on in the world at this moment. Many of us are alone or isolated - or at least feeling alone and isolated, wondering what our future holds and when the...
Disconnection From Our Ancestral Lineage Can Also Be An Opportunity
For those of us who feel deficient, ashamed, or like we are lacking in connection to our ancestral lineage, for those of us who feel that we are in a dark time due to our collective disconnection from our ancestral, indigenous, or “traditional” cultures, maybe we...
Why Neither Love Alone Nor Policy Reform is Sufficient: The Problem of Fear
This year’s “unexpected” pandemic, racialized uprisings, massive loss, continued exploitation, obvious oppression, and routinized daily suffering have made us acutely and painfully aware that great change must be made in our society. But, contrary to mainstream...
My Journal
February 18, 2024
In the middle of February, while doing my consultation work with SLMDances, I invited performers and leaders to reflect on their toolboxes for caring for themselves, and what is currently affecting their capacity right now. I took the opportunity to take an assessment...
February 12, 2024
The theme for today: showing up to & nurturing our Work consistently is showing up to ourselves consistently. I think we think our work is about somebody else but our work is about US. Our work, the work we are called to do, is in direct response to our...
February 12, 2024
Today was an interest session for piloting Raw Movement's Collective for Space Design and prepping for our gatherings and open house this Spring. A few things that stood out to me: I judged my space. Because it is not like other spaces. And I mentioned this at the end...
January 22, 2024
I've been learning from my body that behind every feeling of shock is nausea, is the sensation of being sick to my stomach. In order to recover from both acute illness and long-time illness my entire life, during this pandemic-y time, I've been doing various detoxes....
December 27, 2023
Last week, my mother drove me to the chiropractor, about 45 minutes away. I was anticipating that this might be my last visit for a while, and was preparing to say my thank you’s. I came to my chiropractor in a time of great suffering starting about a year and a half...
January 25, 2022
Hi all, I wanted to share with you all my recent process dealing with that I'm-going-to-be-overwhelmed-by-all-the-things-i'm-doing-leading-teaching feeling. For a bit of backstory, this e-mail is to participants of the improv group I am facilitating. So proud of my...
January 19, 2022
Last night as I was half-sleeping my brain was whirring with thoughts about my recent post about my (and our) intense experience of The Void, the darkness, the unknown. Sophie (a friend, peer, mentor, guide from Sophie Co.) had presenced me to the ways in which my...
January 8, 2022
Trigger warning: discussion of processing grief/loss. I am processing recent loss, in addition to all of the pandemic losses I've grieved. At the moment, I am sad, I am firmly in my body and alive, and I am present to a firm sense of internal truth. I have been...
January 4, 2022
Hi friends, I was just writing an e-mail to the folks who’ve joined the upcoming improv group and thought i’d share this note with you. it’s about how we show up to our spaces 🙂 i wrote the note as much for me as for the (other) participants of the group - in order...
December 17, 2021
Y'all. Wow. It is funny how what we create - and what we are attracted to - is just a clear reflection of who we are. Yesterday I was pondering the words that are emerging for me that will guide me in 2022. I came up with a group of words like softness, accept, and...
November 23, 2021
I am so proud of myself. About a week ago, I realized I was burntout rigorously practicing mindfulness and body-based emotion regulation tools. Isn't it funny how everything can become an addiction or obsession? I had that stomach-turning "I'm going to be overwhelmed"...
November 22, 2021
I have been in this raw journey for a while now, asking how is it that I can be my full self and create communities of acceptance, love, acknowledgment, celebration where we can be our fullest freest selves. This pandemic has truly forced me to be my full self with...
November 18, 2021
oh, man. i’m feeling a little thrilled. yesterday, i had a talk with a friend that ignited an interesting “conclusion”. the past two years of sitting with so much sadness, loss, suffering, grief within me - i have noticed that a few phrases bring me immediate relief...
November 14, 2021
Earlier this week, I was pretty convinced I was going to suffer the entire winter. It’s not even winter yet. i woke up in the middle of the night and barely could move my neck. i convinced myself somehow later that my feeling of shutdown and hopelessness was due to...
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